Three Ways to Support Afghanistan and Haiti


From earthquakes and storms in Haiti to violence in Afghanistan, it’s easy for us to become overwhelmed by global news. When we see all of the suffering, we become paralyzed by compassion fatigue and can’t figure out what to do. As followers of Jesus, we are to care for our global neighbors. We may not be able to change their circumstances, but we can, as Mother Teresa advocated, “do small things with great love.” Here are a few suggestions:

1. Pray for the people of Haiti and Afghanistan. Intercessory prayer means opening up our heart to hold the pain and suffering of others in the light and love of God, where healing begins in ways we don’t understand.

2. Act locally. Volunteer at Beacon’s Shalom Center. Help at our Wednesday Food Pantry. Donate to Monroe County United Ministries as our mission of the month. Call your congressional officials to advocate for Afghan refugees seeking asylum. In addition, love fully everyone who crosses your path today. Tread gently on the earth. Speak with tenderness, even as you serve or call out injustice.

3. Give generously. There are many organizations claiming to help people in Haiti and Afghanistan, so be sure to do your homework before you give. Here are some you might consider:

  • UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) works with long-term partners in Haiti to provide recovery and relief efforts in the wake of the most recent earthquake and tropical storm. Click here to find out more and here to give.

  • AWAKEN assists women and children in the Behsood District of Afghanistan with health care, education, vocational training, and clean water. Bibi Bahrami, the founder and president, is an Afghan refugee who now resides in Muncie, IN. Click here to learn more and give.

  • Zanmi Fondwa engages local builders in Fondwa, Haiti, to build homes that are earthquake-resistant. Jamalyn Williamson, the founder and CEO, is a United Methodist pastor in Zionsville, IN. They have established a special fund for earthquake relief. Click here to give.

Thank you for your care, compassion, and generosity for the world God loves.