Posts tagged choir
Lee & Helen Butler: 50 Years with Chancel Choir

Helen’s and my interest in Choir began when were dating in El Paso, TX at Asbury Methodist Church. She received a Bachelor of Music at SMU. Helen has the musical talent; my interest was in sports. But we found a common interest in singing in the Asbury Church Choir. Arriving in Bloomington, we went to FUMC for their outstanding Music Program. This was in 1967, and we have been fortunate to remain serving in the Chancel Choir to the present. The music that our Directors provide for us to present not only impacts the congregation, but is very moving to the Choir as well.

We serve as we can to help lead the congregation in worship, and receive blessings for ourselves as well. We have found a support group within the Chancel Choir’s members. The blessings we’ve received from our service are the many friends we have made because of our participation in the Choir.

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Jared Dixon: Singing with Chancel Choir

Singing with the Chancel Choir gives me the opportunity to engage deeply in the traditional worship service in a truly meaningful way. When I hear and sing along with the music that Dr. Prestinari so carefully and purposefully chooses for each worship, I am able to engage with the service and be "one" with its message. Sharing in music making as a member of Chancel Choir at First United Methodist Church touches my soul. I feel the music inside me, as the text speaks to me in profound ways. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to sing with such an incredibly talented and gifted group as we praise God, share our gifts of music, and humbly serve the Lord.

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